Information About

Released in 2009 by W!LD RICE, this album contains 13 tracks from "Beauty & the beast", a musical performed in November and December 2009. The musical is directed by Hossan Leong, with music composed by Elaine Chan and lyrics by Alfian Sa'at. The songs (original cast recording) are performed by Emma Yong, RJ Rosales and various artistes.

Year Released
Original Publisher(s)
Digital Publisher(s)
National Library Board Singapore
Yong, Emma, 1976-2012 Rosales, R. J. (Roseo José)
Chan, Elaine
Songs, English--Singapore--21st century, Musicals--Singapore--Excerpts
1. Come and party -- 2. Bimbo bimbo -- 3. Books, books -- 4. Precious things -- 5. A big girl now -- 6. Meet the household -- 7. Cold feet -- 8. Spare parts -- 9. Save you -- 10. Come closer -- 11. Charity begins at home -- 12. Just a mask -- 13. Come closer (reprise).
Rights Statement
All rights reserved by the respective intellectual property rights owners

Songs in the Album

Save you

Beauty & the beast

Come closer (reprise)

Beauty & the beast

Charity begins at home

Beauty & the beast

A big girl now

Beauty & the beast

Meet the household

Beauty & the beast

Come and party

Beauty & the beast

Books, books

Beauty & the beast

Precious things

Beauty & the beast

Just a mask

Beauty & the beast

Spare parts

Beauty & the beast