Artificial Intelligence

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by LearnX Digital

Artificial Intelligence
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What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a revolutionary field at the intersection of computer science and data analysis. AI refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence, such as problem-solving, speech recognition, and decision-making.

As AI continues to advance, it holds the promise of reshaping the way we live, work, and interact with technology in profound and exciting ways.


How is AI used in our everyday lives?

AI is part of our daily lives in various ways such as Virtual Assistances like Siri and Alexa, as well as in our entertainment recommendation systems in Netflix and Amazon.

These technologies enhance convenience, efficiency, and personalization in our daily routines, demonstrating the growing impact of AI and ML in our lives.

For a quick overview of AI, check out our Topic Explainer video HERE



You have been introduced to an overview of AI and examples of it in the world around us. One subset of AI is Machine Learning, which breaks down specifically how machines learn from data and improve their performance over time without being explicitly programmed.

Find out more HERE


  • Examples of AI in Fiction and Pop Culture

    Examples of AI in Fiction and Pop Culture

    AI has been prominent themes in fiction for many years, often exploring the ethical and societal implications of advanced technology. Here are some notable examples:

    • "Neuromancer" by William Gibson: This influential cyberpunk novel features AI entities and explores the convergence of technology, AI, and human consciousness.
    • "I, Robot" by Isaac Asimov: This collection of short stories introduced Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics, which have become foundational in discussions about AI ethics.
    • "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" by Philip K. Dick: The novel inspired the "Blade Runner" film and delves into themes of identity and empathy in a world with lifelike AI.
    • Read more about AI in our curated Libby ebooks collection.


  • Interesting Trivia about AI

    Interesting Trivia about AI

    Here are some interesting trivia and facts about AI:

    • AI in Healthcare: AI is being used to diagnose diseases, analyze medical images, and even discover new drugs. In 2020, Google's DeepMind developed an AI that can predict acute kidney injury up to 48 hours before it occurs.AI Art: AI-generated art has gained popularity. In 2018, an AI artwork called "Portrait of Edmond de Belamy" was sold at auction for $432,500.
    • Find out more about Generative AI through NLB’s SURE website, containing articles, games, polls and more!


  • What are some issues that are currently under debate in AI?

    What are some issues that are currently under debate in AI?

    Artificial intelligence (AI) gave rise to numerous hotly debated issues. These debates often revolve around technical, ethical, social, and economic aspects of AI. Finding solutions and striking a balance between the potential benefits and risks of AI is an ongoing challenge for researchers, policymakers, and society as a whole.

    For more discussions about the power or peril of AI, check out NLB’s Read to Be Sure resource package!


  • Try it yourself!

    [Try training a model!] Teachable Machine


    Google showcases a collection of artificial intelligence experiments to help anyone explore machine learning through interesting concepts. Check out “Teachable Machine” by Google Creative Lab. Create your own machine learning classification model without needing to code at all!

    And this model isn’t just for show! You could even export this model to use in your app or website if needed! (Read more on this on

    Learn more about AI and other digital topics at NLB’s Digital-themed programme series, Future of Work -