Heard of the world of Dungeons & Dragons (D&D)? Come by Choa Chu Kang Public Library for a taste of this legendary fantasy role-playing game and find out why millions of players worldwide have stepped into the boots of mighty heroes (and sneaky antiheroes) to create their own stories.
The core of D&D is storytelling. You and your friends will tell a story together, guide your heroes through quests for treasure, battles with deadly foes, daring rescues, courtly intrigue, and much more.
Veteran players are welcome to join in advanced sessions directly through Warhorn.
This programme is recommended for those aged 13 and up.
What to Bring
• A pencil and eraser
• Optional: A folder and notebook/writing pad
• Optional: Your own miniatures or character if you have them.
• Note: Dice, miniatures and character sheets will be provided for those without them. You can bring your character sheets home after the session.
The World
The Forgotten Realms is a world of strange lands, dangerous creatures, and exotic races, where magic and supernatural phenomena are quite real and deities interact directly in the affairs of mortals.
The Characters
Adventure and meet with well-known characters from the Forgotten Realms novels such as the dreaded Acererak, the charismatic and cunning Jarlaxle Baenre and famed celebrity adventurer and author, Volothamp "Volo" Geddarm. Craft your own character's story. Pre-generated characters with character sheets will be made available.
About the Team
The Legitimate Business is a local community of D&D enthusiasts who believe that Dungeons and Dragons is for everybody. Check out our website to see how you can register for our D&D sessions, or join our Discord community to be notified whenever we schedule new games.
We organize games weekly at Gamersaurus Rex at Upper Thomson, on Wednesday and Sundays, and moving forward, we will also be hosting activities at the public libraries. More information on how to sign up will be available on our website and Discord, as well as during the event.