Moyers & Company. Episode 201, January 11, 2013, Paul Krugman on Why Jobs Come First / [hosted by Bill Moyers ; directed by Adam Walker ; produced by Public Affairs Television, Inc.]

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Originally presented as Episode 201 on January 11, 2013. Moyers, Bill D. Title from title screen. Broadcast date: January 11, 2013. 9 & up. Gail Ablow, Gina Kim, Jessica Wang, Candace White, producers ; Adam Walker, director ; Jamie Lawrence, music ; Bill Moyers, Michael Winship, writers. Bill Moyers, host ; Paul Krugman, guest.

Moyers & Company. Episode 201, January 11, 2013, Paul Krugman on Why Jobs Come First / [hosted by Bill Moyers ; directed by Adam Walker ; produced by Public Affairs Television, Inc.]
Moyers, Bill D. host.
Video Recording
"Our obsession with slashing the deficit is getting in the way of real work that needs to be done to preserve both our economy and our democracy. It's all about jobs, says Paul Krugman, who joins Bill Moyers in this edition of Moyers & Company. The Nobel Prize-winning economist and New York Times columnist explains why our top priority should be getting America back to work - if only Congress and the president would stop throwing distractions in the way. Krugman's latest book, End This Depression Now!, is a warning of the fiscal perils ahead and a prescription to safely avoid them"--Container.
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