No end in sight / Magnolia Pictures ; a Representational Pictures film ; producers, Jennie Amias, Audrey Marrs, Jessie Vogelson ; written, directed, and produced by Charles Ferguson.

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Special features: extended interview with Richard Armitage (12 min.); extended interview with Iraq human rights deputy minister Aida Ussayran (8 min.); extended interview with Washington Post Baghdad bureau office manager Omar Fekeiki (8 min); "Personal Story: Larry Diamond" (3 min.); "Life under Saddam" interview with Iraqi Ambassador Faisal Al-Istrabadi (2 min.); "De-Baathification" interview with General Jay Garner (3 min.); "Disbanding the Iraqi Army" video letter produced for the New York Times web site (11 min.); "The CPA" further insider insights on the Coalition Provisional Authority (7 min.); "Kidnapping and crime" regarding the civil disarray during the occupation (2 min.); "U.S. military conduct" (5 min.); "Could it have been different?" (2 min.); "Was it worth it?" (3 min.); "Consequences" (6 min.); "Footage of Iraq" slice-of-life scenes of Iraq during the occupation (10 min.). Board of Film Censors, Singapore: PG. Director of photography, Antonio Rossi ; editors, Chad Beck, Cindy Lee ; original music, Peter Nashel. Narrator: Campbell Scott ; interviews with: Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, Larry Diamond, General Jay Garner. In English, with optional Spanish subtitles. Closed-captioned.

No end in sight / Magnolia Pictures ; a Representational Pictures film ; producers, Jennie Amias, Audrey Marrs, Jessie Vogelson ; written, directed, and produced by Charles Ferguson.
Amias, Jennie.
Video Recording
Insider's observations of the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq and the subsequent occupation, featuring commentary from high-ranking officals, Iraqi civilians, American soldiers and prominent analysts. Examines the U.S. policy decisions surrounding the invasion and their consequences in Iraq, including such issues as low U.S. troop levels, the uncontrolled looting of Baghdad, the purging of professionals from the Iraqi government, the disbanding of the national military, and the subsequent surge of civil and political chaos.
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