The dirty dozen / Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ; screenplay by Nunnally Johnson and Lukas Heller ; produced by Kenneth Hyman ; directed by Robert Aldrich.

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Information About

Dual layer. Based on the novel by E.M. Nathanson. Originally released as a motion picture in 1967. Special features: behind-the-scenes documentary, "Operation dirty dozen", theatrical trailer, scene access, interactive menus. Not rated. Director of photography, Edward Scaife ; production designer, William Hutchinson ; editor, Michael Luciano ; music, Frank De Vol. Lee Marvin, Ernest Borgnine, John Cassavetes, Jim Brown, Charles Bronson. Closed-captioned. In English and French soundtracks with English, French and Spanish subtitles.

The dirty dozen / Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ; screenplay by Nunnally Johnson and Lukas Heller ; produced by Kenneth Hyman ; directed by Robert Aldrich.
Hyman, Kenneth.
Video Recording
Twelve convicts, most of them murderers, are recruited in World War II to infiltrate a protected German retreat and kill the generals there, in exchange for their release from prison.
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