Information About

Digitised from the original CD. Selected tracks from this album have been digitised. Sponsored by School of Audio Engineering (SAE). Production co-ordination by Suzie Sim, cover design by Ben Ho. An album showcasing original works and compositions written by people with disabilities, through collaboration with able-bodied or disabled musicians for the 2nd Wataboshi Music Festival.

Year Released
Original Publisher(s)
Digital Publisher(s)
Tan, Paul David Performer:Ng, Daniel Rozario, Melissa Liu, Esther Wei Peng Performer:Lim, Lee Lee Rozario, Jeffrey Performer:Lingham, Tony Osland Othman Rozario, Coreen Performer:Okuno, Masatoshi Performer:Chang, May Fung Performer:Guo, Feng Performer:Kumar M. Thamotharan Tan, Serene
Songs, English--Singapore, Songs, Chinese--Singapore, Popular music--Singapore--1991-2000, People with disabilities--Songs and music
1. Prologue -- 2. Soul searching -- 3. My very special way -- 4. I'm going on -- 5. Asking the sky -- 6. 走出黑暗的世界吧!朋友 -- 7. Me and my motorised wheelchair -- 8. I've found joy like the river -- 9. Song of love -- 10. You're my inspiration -- 11. Caring is our greatest wish -- 12. 美好的世界 -- 13. We are a part of the world -- 14. Epilogue & handicap world -- 15. Wataboshi Music Festival theme.
Rights Statement
All rights reserved by the respective intellectual property rights owners

Songs in the Album

Asking the sky

2nd Wataboshi Music Festival

I'm going on

2nd Wataboshi Music Festival


2nd Wataboshi Music Festival

Soul searching

2nd Wataboshi Music Festival

You're my inspiration

2nd Wataboshi Music Festival

My very special way

2nd Wataboshi Music Festival

Me and my motorised wheelchair

2nd Wataboshi Music Festival

I've found joy like the river

2nd Wataboshi Music Festival

Wataboshi Music Festival theme

2nd Wataboshi Music Festival

Caring is our greatest wish

2nd Wataboshi Music Festival